Go UTES!!!! - Imbituba week 29
hey friends!

hope you all had a fabulous thanksgiving and gained as much weight as I have on the mission! lol! kidding, kind of:( brazil doesn't really celebrate thanksgiving obi, but sis crofts whipped us up a nice dinner with pies and all! this week was so great! we had a multi-zone conference on friday with more than half our mission and it was so so fun! i got to see all my old comps and district, as well as meet so many new people. it was a blast! that night we took a bus back to Imbituba and passed by the church because our friend in the ward was getting married. that was super fun too. i've honestly never seen a wedding ceremony before so that was pretty legit. my branch here is seriously the best! i know i say that every week, but these people here just have something special about them. i LOVE the people of Imbituba! on saturday, we put 2 people on dates for baptism. we have been teaching them both for sooo long so we are pretty excited to say the least! please keep Luiz and Maycon in your prayers! thank you all for the love, support and emails! i am sorry if i haven't responded, but if you're feeling up to it, i LOVE getting actual letters in the mail! and they come with a guaranteed response! send me all the christmas cards!!! love you americans a brazilian!
boa semana!
sista kener (emma.kener@myldsmail.net)
Mom note: she would love to get letters and/or cards this Christmas! and they actually get there in a week or two. just use an international stamp!
Emma's mailing address:
Sister Emma Kener
Brazil Florianopolis Mission
Rua Feliciano Nunes Pires, 42
Centro, Florianopolis - SC
88015-220 BRAZIL
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