mind over matter - Rio Tavares week 38

hello my good people of america! this week was an interesting one. it started off good with zone conference. (i had tons of christmas cards waiting for me! so thank you so so much for the kind gesture, meant so much to me!). then a day or two later we got hit with a huge rainstorm which ended up flooding our house.  so we spent the entire day pushing the water out with brooms.  and to top it off, the storm caused a power outage so we had no power for the night, which meant we had no fans!!!! i wish you could all experience just how hot my room was that night.  so at 2:00 am, i got creative, lathered up with my icy hot, and moved my mattress down by the back door in search of a slight breeze. turns out, the bugs like that spot as well. i got like 10,000 bug bites but i'm picking my battles these days and at that moment, sleep won.  my comp was sick a lot too so it wasn't a super successful week for us, but on sunday we had a baptism! cute little 11 year old stefani and her family have been being taught for some time now and just decided last week she wanted to be baptized.  it was a miracle!  but if there's anything i've learned from this week, it's that God sanctifies our most difficult days.  trust God and always have faith that good things are to come! the mission is a rollercoaster of emotions, experiences, and times of trial, but it's comforting to me to know that He would never give us something that we couldn't handle.  and even better, my mantra on the mission...we GROW through what we GO through:)

boa semana fubecas! amo voces!
love sista kener


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