holy coconuts - Rio Tavares week 42

hello everyone! this week was the last week of the transfer. my comp sis mendes was doing a trial mission, luckily she passed so she gets to continue on in this mission! the only bummer is that she never went to the MTC, so she has to go back there first. strange i know! so im getting a new comp, i can't remember her name but she is from Brazil! background on these pics: 1 - baptism of tiago this week 2 - this 10 lb coconut fell on my head (slightly concussed) 3 - me sweating out all of the water i drank from above mentioned coconut, the pic doesn't do it justice. it's soooo HOT! hope you're all enjoying the snow up there! send me lot of cool vibes so i don't get heat stroke! read your scriptures, and go to church:) tchau! sista kener