hump day! and deep thoughts on the mish so far - Rio Tavares week 41
hello everyone! it's been a fat minute since i've written, my apologies to those who still read my emails, so sorry mom!:) these past few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. as you can see in these glamorous photos, i hit the halfway point in my mission! it really got me thinking about all my experiences, trials and growth thus far. i saw a quote poem in one of my comps journals one day that really hit home for me. for those of you that have already served or are serving, i'm sure you can relate 100%. and for those of you who will serve or didn't get the chance to, this will help you understand a little bit better what a mission is actually like!

"a mission is a strange experience, it is a trial and a test
a mission throws at you the worst, yet it teaches you the best
i've never been so happy, and i've never been so depressed
i've never felt so forsaken, i've never felt so blessed
i've never felt my Heavenly Father so distant, He's never been so near
i've never been so confused, things have never been so clear
i've never been so discouraged, i've never been so full of hope
i feel like i could go on forever, i think i've hit the end of my rope
i've never traveled through more valleys, i've never ascended more peaks
i've never met so many nice people, i've never met so many freaks!
i've never had so many ups, i've never had so many downs
i've never worn so many smiles, i've never worn so many frowns
i've never been so lonely, i've never had so many friends
boy i hope this is over soon, gosh i hope this never ends!!!
a mission isn't easy, i know i've said that one too many times. but i find comfort in knowing that as disciples of Christ, we will all experience a little bit of what He went through. He paid our debt in FULL and we can show our appreciation for what Christ did by using it to live a life like His. "give me your self and in exchange i will give you my self." i testify that Christ lives. He knows you, He loves you, He understands you. He hears the silent pleadings of your heart and He has not forsaken you. i know that this is Christ's gospel and He will lead us safely home if we listen to His voice. "Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my spirit and you shall have peace in me." D&C 19:23
i love you all a brazilian!
love, sista kener

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