Happy, healthy, and 20!! - Rio Tavares week 50
i don't have much time today but i just wanted to thank everyone for all of the birthday emails! i was brought to tears! i am blessed with the best that's for sure!! this birthday will go down as the best one, so far. not only did I feel so much love from home, but the members here threw me an awesome surprise birthday party, brazilian style. which means there is no shortage of food, desserts, and fun! they truly are the most loving and selfless people. everyone should find some brazilian friends and have a brazilian birthday party at some point in their life. do it, you will be glad you did.

just when things seem too hard or too heavy, my Heavenly Father throws me a lifeline. this week especially, i experienced many tender mercies. i have felt His overwhelming love for me. i am so grateful for the knowledge that He is aware of me and will never leave me comfortless.
have a great week! thanks again! love you all a brazilian!
love, sista kener

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