LAN house miracles - Lages week 58
hello! just wanted to give a quick shoutout to the best dad out there - happy fathers day t-money! love you to brazil and back :)

some miracles that happened this week: 2 weeks ago we started teaching a 21yr old named jose. we met him at the LAN house (internet cafe) where he plays video games. we go there on pday to email our fams and so we got to know him. the first sunday he went to church he actually got up to bear his testimony... it was so awesome! then after church yesterday he asked us to give him a lesson. so i felt inspired to give him a lesson in the baptismal font.. literally IN it. so we did. then we invited him to be baptized and he said he wants to be baptized but he is scared. at this moment i remembered something that good old mama trish said all growing up. when we were scared or nervous she would say you have to have faith that everything will be ok, then you won't need to be afraid. because "faith and fear cannot co-exist". after i said that to him he thought for a minute and said, "how does saturday sound?" so pumped for jose!
in my companionship we have been praying everyday to know our purpose in this area. without fail every week we have been quickly reminded that we are EXACTLY where we are supposed to be! my fav quote of the week "look for Christ and you will find Him. and with Him, everything else."
have a great week!
love, sista kener
my cute argentinian companion
my comp and the other sisters we live with
the cute family were teaching right now.
sister miller has lice hahaha

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