Road Trip! - Lages week 64
ola! this week is gonna be more pics than words but i wanted to share a quick/cool experience we had sunday! our area is super big and we have some cities that are almost two hours from our house and the church. we can only go if we have referrals. but yesterday we had the opportunity to take a little road trip with some members from our ward to Urubici (2 hours away) to attend sacrament there in the member's home. this family consists of 8 people (all from uruguay). they are the only members in this city so they hold their own meeting every sunday in their very simple and modest home. this experience was probably one of the most spiritual experiences i have had on my mission. i got super emotional as soon as i walked into that house seeing all the kids dressed in their sunday best and two trays of sacrament on the table in the middle of the room. when the members from our ward invited us to go with them they told us "we are going there to give them a push of encouragement", but in reality i was the one who needed that push of encouragement from them. coming from the '"factory" of the church, i was taken back thinking of their little sacrament they do every sunday to remain faithful to the commandments of the Lord, and they do it alone without the support of a ward or branch. i know i've said this before but i will say it again, we are SO blessed. so blessed to be surrounded by so many people who have the same beliefs. so blessed to have so many chapels in walking distance from our houses and so very blessed to live so close to so many holy temples. let us not take for granted what our ancestors fought so hard for almost 200 years ago. the Lord doesn't ask much of us, but in return He gives us everything.

i am so grateful for this gospel. so grateful to have this time as a missionary and representative of Christ. the mission has really opened my eyes to a better understanding of this gospel, our Heavenly Father and His love for His children and i will be forever grateful for that. i know this church is true, i have seen the blessings and the miracles that this gospel bring to those who choose everyday to follow the way of the Lord. "And moreover, i would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. for behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never ending happiness."
have a fabulous week folks!
loves, sista kener
1) roadtrip to Urubici
2) sister kener in the kitchen (wife ready)
3) fwends

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